Piezoresistive High Pressure Sensor With Amplifier Kistler Model 4065A
The pressure to be measured acts through a rugged diaphragm on an arrangement of piezoresistive diffused into the rods. These resistance's are arranged in a Wheatstone bridge. The pressure sensor itself is not temperature-compensated. The amplifier Type 4618 provides temperature compensation, linearization of the pressure signal and contains a stabilized power supply. For this reason, the sensor must always be operated with the amplifier adjusted to it. Amplifier Type 4618 additionally contains two adjustable limit switches with optocouplers. A version with simultaneous temperature measurement is available as an option. Piezoresistive High Pressure Sensor With Amplifier Kistler Model 4065A is used appropriately wherever high pressures with a static component have to be measured in confined spaces. Examples are the fine tuning of injection systems on diesel engines or measurements on hydraulic systems. |